Sunday, March 28, 2021

Doctor Who, Season Eight

It's been said that the gritty and more adult style of Season Seven could not have gone on for very long. Sadly, I think that's true, which is a disappointment because it's a style of Doctor Who that happens to agree with my appetite. But despite the series acknowledging that reality and starting a slightly different direction for Season Eight, it doesn't feel like it was a big downgrade, and nor, for that matter, are all of the darker elements from Season Seven gone entirely. In fact, The Mind of Evil in particular feels like it could have gone out in 1970, and there are traces of maturity to all of these stories. It feels like more effort was put this year into appealing to the show's younger audience, which I certainly can't fault. I bet Terror of the Autons scared the shit out of 1971's young'uns!

Interestingly, this was the first time we had a concrete season-long story arc, of sorts, as the immensely arresting Roger Delgado manipulates his way across the season as the Master. Starting with his first encounter with UNIT and the Doctor, up to his imprisonment at the end of The Dæmons, it seems like an actual storyline has played out. Interesting landmark, and we will of course be glad to see more of the Master in the upcoming seasons.

For all that this season never reached the peaks of the previous one, there still isn't a foot out of place, and not a bad story here to be found. Colony in Space is undoubtedly the weakest, but not a bad story by any means. If this era can keep up this good streak it's on into the next season, I'll be very impressed.

Here's the score breakdown:

Terror of the Autons - 8.25
Episode One - 8.00
Episode Two - 9.00
Episode Three - 8.00
Episode Four - 8.00

The Mind of Evil - 7.33
Episode One - 8.00
Episode Two - 7.00
Episode Three - 7.00
Episode Four - 7.00
Episode Five - 7.00
Episode Six - 8.00

The Claws of Axos - 8.25
Episode One - 8.00
Episode Two - 9.00
Episode Three - 8.00
Episode Four - 8.00

Colony in Space - 7.17
Episode One - 8.00
Episode Two - 7.00
Episode Three - 7.00
Episode Four - 7.00
Episode Five - 6.00
Episode Six - 8.00

The Dæmons - 9.20
Episode One - 10.00
Episode Two - 9.00
Episode Three - 8.00
Episode Four - 9.00
Episode Five - 10.00

Best episode: The Dæmons, Episode One - 10.00
Runner-up: The Dæmons, Episode Five - 10.00
Worst episode: Colony in Space, Episode Five - 6.00

Season Eight average: 7.96

Best guest appearance: Michael Wisher as Rex Farrel (Terror of the Autons)
Best special effect: The Axon spaceship (The Claws of Axos)
Best musical score: The Dæmons (Dudley Simpson)

And that's that on that! The 1971 musical pick will be coming along soon.

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