Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Inauguration - Of Davros and Drashigs

Hello again everyone! This post marks the start of "Part Two" of my all-Doctor Who marathon, the 1970s. I'm very excited for this particular segment of the marathon, since the 1970s are sort of a void for me where Who is concerned. I've seen almost no Pertwee and very little Tom, and only really know of their stories by reputation. I'm blessed (or cursed?) to have 12 whole seasons to go through for the second thread, starting with the fascinating Season Seven.

As is tradition, I'll be interspersing the televised seasons with "extended universe" materials such as books, audio plays, comics, and of course my ongoing "Cities Made of Song" segments featuring contemporary music. I'm open to suggestions for these materials, should they fit into this era chronologically, so feel free to speak up.

With the introduction out of the way, I will be kicking off with Spearhead from Space. Thanks!

(Modified from the original posted at Gallifrey Base on 21 March 2021.)

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