Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Doctor Who, Season Eleven

Here's another victory lap for the books. The fifth and final Pertwee season is now wrapped up! It's been a curious thing; while certainly not a bad season by any means, after four seasons which seemed so confident in what they were doing, Season Eleven feels like something of an afterthought. This is more of a coda to an era - but nevertheless, a nice coda.

For the roster of writers, we're only missing Baker & Martin for a who's-who of the Pertwee era. Yet another excellent Bob Holmes story is joined by the last scripts from Hulke, Hayles, and the Sloman-Letts duo, and the increasingly rare contribution from Terry Nation. It's sad to see the last contributions from several of these people, but it's good that things are changing and staying fresh. With the benefit of hindsight, it does seem very obvious that Holmes is gearing up to take over the position of script editor, and I'm excited to see how that goes for him.

Here's the score breakdown:

The Time Warrior - 9.50
Part One - 10.00
Part Two - 9.00
Part Three - 10.00
Part Four - 9.00

Invasion of the Dinosaurs - 8.50
Part One - 9.00
Part Two - 9.00
Part Three - 8.00
Part Four - 8.00
Part Five - 8.00
Part Six - 9.00

Death to the Daleks - 5.75
Part One - 8.00
Part Two - 6.00
Part Three - 5.00
Part Four - 4.00

The Monster of Peladon - 5.67
Part One - 6.00
Part Two - 5.00
Part Three - 5.00
Part Four - 6.00
Part Five - 6.00
Part Six - 6.00

Planet of the Spiders - 7.50
Part One - 8.00
Part Two - 7.00
Part Three - 7.00
Part Four - 7.00
Part Five - 7.00
Part Six - 9.00

Best episode: The Time Warrior, Part One - 10.00
Runner-up: The Time Warrior, Part Three - 10.00
Worst episode: Death to the Daleks, Part Four - 4.00

Season Eleven average: 7.35

Best guest appearance: Kevin Lindsay as Commander Linx (The Time Warrior)
Best special effect: The Exxilon city (Death to the Daleks)
Best musical score: Death to the Daleks (Carey Blyton)

The 1974 music post will be coming soon.

(Modified from the original posted at Gallifrey Base on 13 April 2021.)

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