Saturday, April 10, 2021

Doctor Who, Season Nine

Can I really already be past the halfway point of the Pertwee era? After the first baby steps to Uxareius in the last season, the show is at last stretching its wings again and untethering itself from the Season Seven format. Three of this season's five stories had no appearances from the UNIT crew at all, even if one of those three is still earthbound. In the midst of it all, Jon Pertwee goes from strength to strength, now thoroughly inhabiting the role of the Doctor in ways that his predecessors rarely did. After her shaky start last season, Katy Manning likewise continues to convince as Jo Grant.

We visited the future, other worlds, and the English Channel (!) and had a lot of fun along the way. I'm finding myself comfortable in this era at this point, and I'm really, really looking forward to what comes next.

But first, here's the score breakdown:

Day of the Daleks - 9.25
Episode One - 10.00
Episode Two - 9.00
Episode Three - 9.00
Episode Four - 9.00

The Curse of Peladon - 8.25
Episode One - 8.00
Episode Two - 8.00
Episode Three - 8.00
Episode Four - 9.00

The Sea Devils - 8.33
Episode One - 9.00
Episode Two - 9.00
Episode Three - 9.00
Episode Four - 7.00
Episode Five - 8.00
Episode Six - 8.00

The Mutants - 7.83
Episode One - 8.00
Episode Two - 7.00
Episode Three - 7.00
Episode Four - 8.00
Episode Five - 8.00
Episode Six - 9.00

The Time Monster - 6.17
Episode One - 6.00
Episode Two - 6.00
Episode Three - 5.00
Episode Four - 6.00
Episode Five - 7.00
Episode Six - 7.00

Best episode: Day of the Daleks, Episode One - 10.00
Runner-up: Day of the Daleks, Episode Three - 9.00
Worst episode: The Time Monster, Episode Three - 5.00

Season Nine average: 7.85

Best guest appearance: Aubrey Woods as the Controller (Day of the Daleks)
Best special effect: The Sea Devil costumes (The Sea Devils)
Best musical score: The Sea Devils (Malcolm Clarke)

Now for a musical interlude for 1972, before we get to the next stories.

(Modified from the original posted on Gallifrey Base on 3 April 2021.)

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