Saturday, June 25, 2022

Logopolis [Doctor Who, Story 115]

Logopolis by Christopher H. Bidmead
28 February - 21 March 1981

Watching this in the context of the marathon was a strange experience, since happenstance has conspired to have me watch this story twice previously, making this viewing the third. It's definitely a lot more bittersweet after seven seasons of Tom Baker. It feels rather like parting from an old friend.

There is a sort of cosmic unfairness to the whole affair, as the Doctor dies surrounded not by those he loves, but by perfect strangers who have been foisted upon him over the course of this season. "I've never chosen my company," he bites out at Nyssa once in this story, and it's hard not to feel sympathetic to him. Still, there is a bit of relief to be found in his final thoughts of all the friends this incarnation has had, and his smile at the end, seemingly sure that things will be okay.

The whole thing about computing matter out of mathematics and the tide of entropy doesn't really make a lick of sense, as much as I try to puzzle it over, but I can't bring myself to care about that too much. The atmosphere of this story is impeccable, and it more than makes up for any other deficiencies. I actually think Tegan has a rather strong character introduction, even if her kvetching begins to grate by the final part, and the Doctor's weary resignation for once feels apropos. Paddy Kingsland's superb soundtrack is the icing on top.

If there was any one thing in the writing of this episode that I'd truly feel like complaining about, it would be the shocking lack of pathos surrounding Traken's destruction. Poor Nyssa takes it with barely a whimper and a bat of the eye, and then it doesn't seem to come up again. What kind of story wastes the dramatic potential of a character losing their entire people? (Not now, Flux, you'll have your turn in a few years.)

Quibbles aside, I think that a goodbye for a Time Lord quite like this one is almost an impossibly tall order. The fact that Logopolis manages the task in some measure is an accomplishment. I think I'll certainly enjoy rewatching this one again.

That's all there is to say on that. Our roundup for Season 18 will come next, and then a farewell to the Fourth Doctor.

(Modified from the original posted at Gallifrey Base on 14 December 2021.)

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