Saturday, June 25, 2022

Doctor Who, Season Fifteen

Having finally watched this season, which has a mixed reputation among fandom, I have to say that its reputation is overstated. Although it is burdened by the interminably dull Underworld, the rest of the stories were perfectly serviceable at worst and excellent at best. I had a lot of fun with Season Fifteen, but it doesn't sound like the production team did if the stories are true. It seems fate conspired to doom Graham Williams' production - between the inflation crisis, the Mary Waterhouse business, and the arrival of Star Wars presaging a fresh onslaught from expensive American productions - so it's all the more remarkable that such a fun little season still came out of the chaos.

I'll be very much looking forward to Season Sixteen. I've already watched two stories from it (four years ago, for my aborted randomizer marathon) and will be interested to see it all in its proper context.

Anyway, here's the score breakdown:

Horror of Fang Rock - 9.00
Part One - 9.00
Part Two - 9.00
Part Three - 9.00
Part Four - 9.00

The Invisible Enemy - 6.75
Part One - 7.00
Part Two - 6.00
Part Three - 7.00
Part Four - 7.00

Image of the Fendahl - 9.25
Part One - 10.00
Part Two - 9.00
Part Three - 9.00
Part Four - 9.00

The Sun Makers - 8.25
Part One - 9.00
Part Two - 8.00
Part Three - 8.00
Part Four - 8.00

Underworld - 3.25
Part One - 5.00
Part Two - 3.00
Part Three - 3.00
Part Four - 2.00

The Invasion of Time - 7.83
Part One - 9.00
Part Two - 9.00
Part Three - 8.00
Part Four - 8.00
Part Five - 7.00
Part Six - 6.00

Best episode: Image of the Fendahl, Part One - 10.00
Runner-up: Horror of Fang Rock, Part One - 9.00
Worst episode: Underworld, Part Four - 2.00

Season Fifteen average: 7.42

Best guest appearance: Edward Arthur as Colby (Image of the Fendahl)
Best special effect: The Titan base goes up in smoke (The Invisible Enemy)
Best musical score: Horror of Fang Rock (Dudley Simpson)

Back to you again soon for The Ribos Operation. Cheers!

(Modified from the original posted at Gallifrey Base on 6 July 2021.)

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