Thursday, August 17, 2023

Black Orchid [Doctor Who, Story 120]

Black Orchid by Terence Dudley
1 - 2 March 1982​

Such an odd duck... Another historical, quick on the heels of the last, and this time without any alien threat at all. It's quick and breezy, and also without a great deal of tension. Still, there's nothing that put me off it, per se, and the fact that it was so different from anything in Tom's era was an interesting change. Sarah Sutton gets to play two different characters in this one, and I drank up the opportunity to see her show more of her acting chops, since the opportunities have been pretty bare so far. There is a curious decision made to let all and sundry into the TARDIS, which robs it of some of its mystique in my opinion, but it's over so fast that one is not permitted to think too much of it.

All in all, there is not a great deal more to say about this story - enjoyable, but not exceptional. Earthshock is next.

(Modified from the original posted at Gallifrey Base on 11 October 2022.)

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