Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Inauguration - Disney 100 Marathon


An anniversary with a big, fat zero at the end is the sort of occasion that just demands you do something special. My favored object of study, Doctor Who, is having one this year too, and I'll have plenty to say about it when it comes back this fall. In the meantime, I've partnered up with my partner, Quinn, and we're going to be trawling our way through the entire corpus of Disney theatrical animated films. There are about sixty of them, so this will probably take us well into 2024, but that's all by the by.

Disney's movies have always captivated me and formed a great part of my childhood landscape. But when reflecting on the company's legacy, and its modern trajectory in the animation business, I was embarrassed to recognize that there are many of its movies that I've never seen, and many more that I haven't watched since I was a kid more than twenty years ago.

Misery is better with company, so Quinn, themself a big Disney fan, consented to join in on this exercise, and I'll include a little of their input as I review each movie, starting with Snow White and ending with whatever the most recent one happens to be when we're done. I hope that those stumbling upon this blog will enjoy going through these movies with us. Expect to hear more soon!

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