Thursday, August 17, 2023

So, about the blog...

To the passing reader who's discovered this place from a link in my Gallifrey Base signature, or my Discord profile, or gods forbid Google, it might seem like this entire blog has nothing but Doctor Who reviews... and they'd be correct.

Since I inaugurated the blog in 2017, my only media review and discussion output here has been my (still somehow ongoing) Doctor Who marathon. Still, it can't have escaped one's notice that the linked post references more to come, an ambition which still hasn't quite gone away.

To this end, I'd like to announce that more is, indeed, on the way, including both a continuation of the Doctor Who marathon as well as new posts about TV shows, movies, and music. As well as an in-progress marathon of the Power Rangers series (and eventually Super Sentai), I've just started a project almost as forbidding: watching all the theatrical animated Disney movies with my partner on the occasion of the company's 100th anniversary.

These and other stray reviews will come as time permits. I'm looking forward to writing more on these subjects and expressing my many, many thoughts and opinions about my favorite media. See you then!

"Multitasking is a beautiful thing - and like most beautiful things, dangerous, too." - 2017 Val

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