Sunday, May 19, 2024

Doctor Who, Season 22


Here we are again. For all that I've been enjoying Season 22, it's impossible to deny that things seem to be going very wrong on the production side of Doctor Who during this period. In the episodes that work, there are still some glaring issues that jump out: the failure of the Doctor-companion relationship, the recalcitrance of the script writer, and the over-reliance on past glories being just some of these. And when the episodes do not work, they fail in spectacular fashion.

Another part of the problem is the shift to 2x45 minute serials as the basic model instead of the older 4x25 minute ones. As a New Series fan I felt I should be accustomed to this when I was starting off, but in this season it's obvious that they have not quite mastered the format, as things either feel awkwardly stretched out or painfully compressed at times. This experiment seems to have failed, as we're back to the traditional format again next season...

Assuming there is going to be a "next season". Stunned fans and cast members have just been made aware that the show has been cancelled, after all. So, inevitably, it is going to be a little while until we actually make it to the broadcast version of Season 23.

Before we start our walk down that long, strange road, however, here are the score breakdowns for the season:

Attack of the Cybermen - 4.50
Part One - 6.00
Part Two - 3.00

Vengeance on Varos - 9.00
Part One - 9.00
Part Two - 9.00

The Mark of the Rani - 8.00
Part One - 8.00
Part Two - 8.00

The Two Doctors - 8.00
Part One - 8.00
Part Two - 8.00
Part Three - 8.00

Timelash - 3.50
Part One - 4.00
Part Two - 3.00

Revelation of the Daleks - 10.00
Part One - 10.00
Part Two - 10.00

Best episode: Revelation of the Daleks, Part Two - 10.00
Runner-up: Revelation of the Daleks, Part One - 10.00
Worst episode: Timelash, Part Two - 3.00

Season 22 average: 7.23

Best guest appearance: Nabil Shaban as Sil (Vengeance on Varos)
Best special effect: The head of Stengos in the glass Dalek (Revelation of the Daleks)
Best musical score: The Two Doctors (Peter Howell)

1985 was a great year for music, so I'm sure my selection for the upcoming Cities Made of Song post will be a bit of a mystery. Stay tuned...

(Modified from the original posted at Gallifrey Base on 19 May 2024.)

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