Monday, May 6, 2024

A Word on Peter Davison


I wasn't sure what to expect from the Fifth Doctor going into this era. Everything I'd heard about his stories from fandom osmosis always made him sound rather staid and boring, by the usual standards I've judged my favorite Doctors by.

It is true that this Doctor doesn't have the bombastic personality of the Fourth, but upon actual inspection of the episodes, rather than just relying on the written lore, there is a lot more depth and texture to Davison's performance as the Doctor than I suspected. He's a phenomenal actor, and while the scripts he has been handed weren't always the best, he has certainly made the most of them.

The Fifth Doctor was a little fuzzy to me as a character for much of this stretch of the marathon. It's sad he's going when he is, because it feels like he only really started to gel with the scripts and show what he could really do in his last season (barring some small glimpses before). That's why Big Finish exists, I suppose. I'll be gratified to be able to dive deeper into Davison's audio stories now that I'm through with his TV episodes.

Apologies are due, in other words, for me ever having doubts. He is great, and I understand the hype now, even if his era was a little bit hit and miss. Not his fault! (Why do I have the strangest reverse déja vu, as if I'm going to be saying this again sometime?)


Several companions have come and gone during this latest Doctor's tenure, so it's time for yet another update to the top ten companions list. Let's see how things shake out:
  1. Barbara Wright
  2. Jo Grant
  3. Romana II
  4. Jamie McCrimmon
  5. Vislor Turlough
  6. Steven Taylor
  7. Liz Shaw
  8. Leela of the Sevateem
  9. Vicki Pallister
  10. Sarah Jane Smith
It's getting harder and harder to break into the top ten as the years go by. This time the sole casualty is the ever-dependable Ian, who drops down to 12th place out of view, just behind Tegan who is at 11th.

Tegan was a pretty great companion, but is let down, especially in her first season, by some daft writing choices and poor direction that doesn't really let her thrive. Like Nyssa, she enjoys a somewhat better afterlife in the world of audio dramas, but as I don't really rate based on those I couldn't place her higher.

Nyssa, I've talked about at length already, but is in much the same position as Tegan, just with less screen time overall in which to get to know her. I am fond of Nyssa just the same and look forward to exploring more of her latter-day stories.

Adric was never going to have a look in on the top ten. The attempt to make a younger and less mature companion is laudable, but Matthew Waterhouse didn't seem to know how to play that role without also coming across as rather snotty and unlikable. I think it's a wonder the Fourth Doctor and Romana II didn't drop him off somewhere well before he got himself blown up.

Kamelion is a non-companion who doesn't bear much further discussion beyond what I've said already.

Turlough was the real surprise for me. Starting off as an antagonist, his crisis of conscience and gradual adoption into the Doctor's little family was a brilliant piece of storytelling. His occasional cowardice is a very interesting trait for a companion, especially whenever he overcomes it, and I enjoyed the way his story evolved over time very much. Such a weird, unique companion! I can't help but to be fascinated with him.

Peri has only been with us for a short time now, so I'll reserve my judgement for the time being. I hope she'll get some more flattering moments in the next season.

Without further ado, here's the traditional "best of" reel:

The Doctor: There's always something to look at if you open your eyes!​
- from Kinda

The Doctor: When did you last have the pleasure of smelling a flower, watching a sunset, eating a well-prepared meal?
Cyberleader: These things are irrelevant.
The Doctor: For some people, small, beautiful events are what life is all about!
- from Earthshock


The Doctor: Well, there's a probability of anything. Statistically speaking, if you gave typewriters to a treeful of monkeys, they'd eventually produce the works of William Shakespeare.
Nyssa: [trying to draw the Doctor's attention away from his conversation with Tegan to the approaching craft on the viewscreen] Doctor...
The Doctor: Of course, you and I both know that at the end of a millennium they'd still be tapping out gibberish.
Tegan: And you'd be tapping it out right alongside them. I only asked you a simple question.
- from Mawdryn Undead


Peri: Doctor, why do you wear a stick of celery in your lapel?
The Doctor: Does it offend you?
- from The Caves of Androzani



With all that said and done, we bid farewell to this version of the Doctor for now, and move on to his more colorful successor. The Twin Dilemma is up next.

(Modified from the original posted at Gallifrey Base on 6 May 2024.)

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