Wednesday, December 20, 2023

[Holiday Hoopla 20] Eight Crazy Nights (2002)

Rather by accident, this ended up being the only Hanukkah-related movie on the list for this year. It was a crowded selection process. If I do this again someday I'll hopefully rectify that - and hopefully they'll all be better than this crap.

Eight Crazy Nights (dir. Seth Kearsley) is unforgivably bad. What few redeeming moments it has are constantly and immediately undercut by poorly timed, tasteless jokes. It's a pretty bad sign when a movie that's marketed as a "comedy" fails to make me laugh even once in its entire too-long runtime.

It's a shame that such a talented animation team was wasted on an irredeemable dumpster fire like this. Avoid at all costs.


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