Sunday, December 24, 2023

[Holiday Hoopla 24] Elf Bowling the Movie: The Great North Pole Elf Strike (2007)


This one was probably a mistake. For most movies, a 1 hour 20 minute running time would be fairly manageable, but in the case of Elf Bowling the Movie it proved an obstacle too great to surmount. Quinn and I ended up skipping the middle third of the movie (and apparently missed its pro-slavery villain song in the process).

Everything about this movie is bafflingly misjudged, from the pirate origin for the main character, to its villain, to just about every side character. The music sucks, the animation is pretty risible at best, and the story moves like sludge.

To say nothing about the racist caricature elf. I'm not even going to get deep into that.

This movie crosses well past the boundary of "so bad it's good" to simply being "so bad it's bad". Humbug.


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