Monday, December 25, 2023

[Holiday Hoopla 25] Arthur Christmas (2011)


Arthur Christmas (dir. Sarah Smith) is one of the Sony Animation films from before Spider-Verse, so kind of a blank void for me until tonight. The actual team behind reins is Aardman, well known for their Wallace and Gromit series.

Stylistically, the movie doesn't look quite like their claymation shorts that I was accustomed to, but it does have its own visual identity which generally looks pretty nice. The soundtrack is also pretty good for what it is, and so is the voice cast.

Although I wouldn't call it a classic, it's still a very cute movie with a nice message about Christmas spirit, and the ending put a big smile on my face. It was a nice thing for us to end out our Christmas Day on. All in all, things were quite merry.


And incidentally, a very merry Christmas to all you at home!

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